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Use It Or Lose It: Take Advantage of Your Dental Benefits!

November 13, 2023

dental cleaning benefits It’s that time of year again- the time of year when we encourage all of our patients to use up their remaining dental benefits! Schedule your dental treatment and /or dental cleaning soon to fully utilize your 2023 dental benefits and/or healthcare flexible spending account, which generally will expire at the end of December.

Use It Or Lose It

Dental insurance, unlike medical insurance, is an annual “use it or lose it” benefit. Your benefits do not roll over to the next year, nor is any credit given when you do not use all your benefits each year. This means a benefit paid for and provided to you by your employer is lost if you do not use it during the calendar year.

One major benefit of scheduling before the end of the year is to pay for larger procedures you might not be able to afford with just 1 year of benefits. If you start using your 2023 benefits, you can extend your treatment payments into January. This will allow you to use your 2024 benefits to complete your treatment.

Looking Forward to the Holidays

Please call or text our office to schedule an appointment as soon as possible to ensure time to complete your dental treatment and/or dental cleaning before you lose this year’s benefits. Our holiday hours are:

  • Open December 26th, 27th, 28th for Regular Cleanings only.
  • Closed December 22nd through January 2nd, 2024 (except as stated above) to allow our team to spend time with their extended family.

We hope this reminder service is helpful to you. Our intention, as always, is to serve you and your family in the best manner possible. Please enjoy the upcoming holiday season!

Posted In: Office News